Saturday, July 25, 2009

OMG I can FIT!

Many of you that know me personally know that one goal I wanted to achieve with my weight loss was the ability to use the Wii FIT my mother in law bought for us last Christmas. I have watched my husband do awesome things with his own weight loss journey using it as well as friends that that have come over to try it out and play around with it. Well, every time I would step on it was like it was openly mocking me---telling me I exceeded its 330 lb weight limit. It was pretty much a slap in the face each time I tried.

When I went to the nutritionist Thursday my weight was at 331 lbs----1 stinkin pound from being able to do it!! I was so upset. Finally I put my big girl panties on and decided that I was going try on more time. I went upstairs and started the program. The whole time I was thinking to myself its just going to kick me off again. As I stepped on the board, I heard the familiar groan as though it was an inconvenience I was using it---but then, instead of telling me I was too fat it let me in! I was no longer too fat for the program--actually I weighed in a 229.1 lbs!!

I went ahead and set my goals for the next two weeks, completed my body test, my balance tests and even tried some aerobics games and yoga. It was so much fun! My center of balance is almost perfect and my Wii age is 27--my current age! I may be fat but Im not out of shape or in as bad of health as I thought!!

So the first two goals I have set for myself have been met.

1. Lose 30 lbs before vacation ----(I actually lost 31)

2. Lose 36 lbs to Wii Fit -----(Im down 37)

New goals:

1. Be able to Fit for a minimum of 30 minutes without stopping

2. Lose a minimum of 4 lbs every two weeks by the time school starts (for a total of 12 lbs)

3. To go to the gym at least 3 days a week aside from the Wii Fit

4. To try new high protein/low carb recipes at least once a week

To make myself more accountable AND to make sure I am blogging more I will be posting my new recipes here for others to enjoy and to let you know what I liked/disliked about them. Also, I will be posting weekly weigh-ins and progress according to the FIT.

Vacation time is over---its time to get serious!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vacation doesn't always do a body good!

So as many of you know I have been on vacation for the past 4 weeks bouncing between Florida and Texas and back again. Its been a whirldwind to say the least. I have enjoyed it, however I haven't been watching my food as closely as I should have.

I had an appointment yesterday for my 2nd fill which yielded unhappy results. I had only lost about 3lbs since leaving for vaca. I was really hoping for a 5-7lb loss, however I have nobody to blame but myself. I indulged in so many things like fab mexican food, ben and jerry's, and italian food full of carbs! I didnt watch my portions as much as I should have either. My one saving grace I think is that I tried to stay as active as possible--walking most nights or playing in the pool or at the beach with Jake.

My current weight stands at 331 lbs. I am down 35 lbs total at this point---but still 1 lb away from being able to Wii fit! Im hoping that by the end of next week I'll have lost that pound and will be able to start Wii'ing :)

All in all, like I said it was fun--however it was my first major temptation. I feel as though I didn't do as bad as I could have HOWEVER I certainly didn't do nearly as well as I should have. Thanks to Cassie (my nutritionist) who I saw today I've realized that today is a new day. I am back home and on my own schedule.

All I have to do is get back up on the horse and start again.