Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ever get that feeling like you have a softball in your sternum?

No?? Well, I do! I have been trying to keep up with information about how much I can eat at one time. The average is about a cup or so of food at once. I made myself some stroganoff tonight since its nice and slippery, therefore easy to get down, and some mushy carrots. I measured out a cup total of the two things and went to town.
CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW....I made sure to chew! I SWEAR!!!! However, now it seems like there is a huge softball sized lump lingering around where my sternum is. I try and stretch my body, curl it over, and have even begged Greg to put pressure on my back to counteract it. To no avail, its been about 2 hours and the pressure is still there. My stomach doesnt necessarily feel full, but I definatly feel like I dont need to eat anything else.
About a half an hour ago I decided I would drink some water to try and dislodge whatever it was that was hanging out causing this pain. It was EVERYTHING I had to keep that water down. Whoa! This is a first!! I havent had ANY problems eating since the surgery or getting liquids down. Im planning on heading to bed soon so hopefully my softball will be gone by morning. Stay tuned, because Im going to be doing another official weigh in in a few days time! Unofficially I have gained back about 3lbs since starting mushies but I think my body is just in shock over the fact that its been able to eat somewhat real food. We'll see though!

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